I am naturally a worrier.
I worry about parenting….
Are my kids are going to turn out okay?
Will they do okay in school?
Am I doing enough for them?
Did they eat enough?
Are they getting enough sleep?
And I worry about everything else…
Are the plants doing okay?
Are we ever going to retire?
When am I going to have time to clean the bathroom?
But here’s the thing about parenting…
In parenting, it feels like there is a lot at stake.
It feels like we might really mess up our kids, if we don’t get it right.
Yet, the research tells a totally different story.
The research says in order for our kids to thrive we only have to be “good enough” parents.
If this is true, I’ve been worrying way too much.
If you–like me–are a worrier, you will appreciate what Dr. Joseph Lee says.
In this 3-minute excerpt from the upcoming Happily Family Conference, Dr. Lee explains the research about being a “good enough” parent.
To watch the rest of Dr. Lee’s interview and get reassurance and inspiration from authors and experts like Dr. Daniel Siegel, Dr. Christine Carter, and Debbie Reber – register for the Happily Family Conference!
You’ll get a free pass to 5 high quality interviews each day for 5 days.
All the fun is starting May 16th.
See you there!