by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting, teens, tools
Recently I’ve been telling the story about how one of our teens was struggling, then bounced back, and what we did for our teen and for ourselves to find support. Sharing about that difficult period got me thinking about how ridiculously hard it was for us to more
by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting, tantrums, tools
Once when our kids were young, I found myself sitting on the grass in front of a grocery store while one of them had a full-on meltdown. If you have a child with big feelings or explosive emotions, you know the feeling. Here’s what happened… The kids wanted to go more
by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting, tantrums, tools
Parenting can often feel overwhelming, especially when our children experience intense emotions. To effectively support them, we must first process our own feelings. This guide offers practical journal prompts that you can use after a meltdown or before the next one, more
by Cecilia Hilkey | communication, parenting, tools
Over the years, Jason and I have done over 250 interviews with top parenting authors, experts, and speakers. When people hear this, their first question tends to be: “What is your BEST piece of parenting advice?” I’m happy to share with you exactly what I tell them, more
by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting, screen time, tools
I heard a mom say, “When I go into my 9-year-old daughter’s room in the afternoon and I see her in bed under the covers on her tablet, I feel worried and I don’t want her to miss out on playing with her friends.” We’ve read the news headlines. We know that more
by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting, tools
One time when our kids were younger they got into a fight about something, I was so maxed out that I locked myself in the bathroom to take a few breaths. I had to escape because I didn’t have a reliable plan for how to soothe myself in high-stress moments. When you’ more