by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting, research
When I was a kid my parents taught sexuality classes to engaged and married couples. During my high school years, I would come home, after an evening of babysitting or being with friends, to find my parents in the living room with a dozen young, eager looking more
by Cecilia Hilkey | empathy, parenting
Last time we talked about how lying was an important developmental sign for children. (If you missed Part 1 about lying and brain development you can read it here.) While it’s reassuring to know that lying is a part of development, you may still be left with more
by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting, research
Have you heard a child say… “I have a horse in my backyard.” (When she doesn’t.) “I didn’t hit him.” (When he really did.) “I’ll turn off the computer after I finish this game.” (Then she doesn’t.) Starting at 2 or 3 years of age kids start lying. Being lied to more
by Cecilia Hilkey | conflict, parenting
I’m wondering if you can relate to this parenting dilemma that my sister had. My sister was with her daughter, who is 15 months old and just learning how to walk. They were at a playground with lots of other moms and kids. One of the older girls got mad and as more
by Cecilia Hilkey | parenting
We like it when kids–especially our own–do chores around the house. One of our daughters is a master at cleaning the bathroom. The other one takes out the recycling, the trash, and does all the cat care. They both help with the dishes and setting more
by Cecilia Hilkey | conflict, parenting
During a family car ride once when I was little, I got really mad at my big brother. I remember wanting to punch him! I didn’t hit him, but when we were close to home, we pulled into the driveway. I jumped out and, instead of taking my anger out on someone else, more