Welcome! You’ve come to the right place if you want to create a strong, loving relationship with your kids. You don’t have time to read all the books about brain science, child development and psychology. You've heard that studies show punishments and rewards are not effective in the long term. You feel lost when your kids melt down or when they don’t “play nicely”
Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
~ Albert Einstein
From The Blog
Shift from “power over” parenting to “power with”
If you’re reading this, you likely view parenting from a “power with” rather than a “power over” perspective. “Power over” is the domain paradigm and the unfortunate norm in most families, communities, institutions, schools, religions, and governments. You might see...
Resilient Parenting: How to Move From Despair to Hope
My past month has been filled with a full rainbow of emotions. Heartbreak and hope, rage–and its softer cousin–sadness, as well as frustration, pride, grief, confusion, joy, and worry…. because of the fires and also because of what is happening in our family, our...
Ask Your Child Questions to Increase Connection, Build Critical Thinking Skills, and Cope With Feelings
Why asking questions is one of the most important things we can do as parents My favorite way to have a conversation and connect with my kids and family is to ask questions. It may sound simple, but asking children the right questions not only opens up...
When Parents Disagree: The Hidden Benefits of Different Parenting Styles
Do you ever feel like you and your partner (or spouse) have opposite approaches when it comes to the way you parent? Like the way you handle things like schedules, expectations, and kids’ emotions are totally opposite of each other? Let’s say your child comes home...
Best Way to Support a Struggling Child
How Do I Get My Child Back On Track? When kids are struggling with something or acting out, a lot of parents focus on the things that they want to get rid of (the negative influences of screens, peers, sugar, etc). Whether their child is repeatedly getting in trouble...
Secure Attachment: It's Different Than What You Think
When most parents think of “secure attachment”, we focus on the connection between a parent (usually the mother) and a child. We recently had a conversation with Dr. Dan Siegel, and the way he described attachment blew our minds. He explained that, because humans have...